Hey Shahin!
Thanks for taking the time to respond. Really great to hear you liked it. Congrats on the honest self-reflection. I really resonate with what you’re saying. Meditation can be great but it also has the potential to become a crutch. The real learning that comes from sitting with ourselves is in noticing this tendency to so often try to escape, avoid, or otherwise change our experience. When we can sit in boredom and discomfort and distraction and everything in between, just noticing what’s happening, what’s present, rather than getting caught up in what we imagine is happening, or looking for some relief or some special experience, then that is meditation. This doing nothing but being present with what is happening is the learning that carries over into how we approach every other moment of our day. I’m speaking to myself here more than anyone. It’s so easy to meditate with a purpose of trying to get somewhere, as this is how we typically approach other things in life.
Best of luck brother,